

miercuri, 15 decembrie 2021

Do not humiliate Romania!

Asta nici nu mai aglomerează spitalele.

And Romanians! Let me level with you all: No matter what, we hate you more! Therefore, you should be cherishing the loudy ones, instead of trying to mascarade them, because, the silent ones hate you for life.

We are the haters of the Planet.

When you pay for “shaming Romanians news, so that you know, we are aware of that and we hate you. From a distance but nevertheless hate you. When you brush unrelentleslly and sickly up our sane mentality - so that we’ll be humbler and more compliable, we simply don’t care.

We’ve got all your tricks, not because we are so clever on that, but because you are so simple.

For short, we hate NATO, Arafat, WHO, Nazi Germany (always Nazi, they can’t help themselves), NGO, GMO, UE, American “I love you”, the russians, the protocols, Sibiu countie’s way of being a hospital killing heroe etc.; plus, your many offers to help – after you deprived us of everything (it’s gros, really!); treaties – now turned out to be the worst bets and so on. Or e.on…

Anyway, don’t be fooled by the long cues of people waiting certain religious activities! Had it been mandatory they wouldn’t do it.

So that you now: We despise you and we hate you more!

And we like to make surprises!

Happy f..k winter holidays to you, too!

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