

marți, 8 septembrie 2015

Why don’t you come over? - Part I

Yes, why don’t you come over? After all, Romania is the land of choice. Up here one can choose all sorts of evil things having the illusion of choosing the smaller ones.

No matter who are you and what you believe in, this is the place to be.
For instance, are you a fundamentalist? That’s O.K. In front of the battle over the relics of Christian saints you’ll feel like a free spirit.

What the hell is this?

Then, Romanians are very hospitable, like we all know, meaning some of them would become friendly at once if it seems likely to take advantage of you, while the others would rather not take notice of you, in a tolerable manner, of course. But, don’t worry there will be many friendly folks, among them, many crooks of all sorts.

Including media, which are the friendliest in the whole world; in fact, even if you won’t need such a friend, you’ll be provided for. It’s not your call to say whether or not to be interviewed or filmed or exposed. In our country press is absolutely free, you know, the rest of us are not that privileged!

Nobody ever tried to kill some of them though, because is not customary in our world, but we secretly hope that the providence and the economic crisis may give us a hand in the matter and at least eighty percent out of them will be naturally extinguished before they’ll stress us to death.

Otherwise, it’s not customary with us to kill people; this is a job for Big Farma, you know. Instead, we swear a lot - hope that won’t bother you-, we swear a lot about mothers and gods. Yours may come across from time to time if you come over. I forgot to ask you: are you just refugees, plain and simple, aren’t you, and not, God forbid, terrorist or some sorts?

Anyway, is better for you to know, if you still insist to come over, that we, sometimes, like dogs more than people. And cats too. And I mean it.

So, welcome!

D-ale Noii Migrații a Popoarelor, migrația Popoarelor cu smartphone-uri: Un părinte criminal, direct responsabil de înecarea celor doi copii ai săi, a devenit o vedetă planetară!        

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