marți, 4 iulie 2017

Gay Lobby Phobia

Europa, te-ai ales cu un război pe viață și pe moarte!

Fanatismul minorităților sexuale: The New Normal!/Fanatismul “cercetătorilor” (medici, presă, politicieni etc.): The new money!  

Doar mostre: (oxytocine-long lasting love) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences May 26, 2014 published Monday  This study suggests that, biologically, gay couples are fit to be parents as straight couples are, and could change the debate as to whether gay men should be allowed to adopt children.  “On Thursday, the popular paper published an article alleging that Pope Benedict XVI's decision to resign this month was partly prompted by a report that accused Vatican officials of being under the influence of several internal lobbies, reportedly including a gay one.”